Tuesday, August 31, 2010

BC Crazy

I want this hair and that body!!!!  SEXY
I am currently 20 days out from leave, and all I can think about is cutting my hair off.  I am at the point, I would rather just cut it off the night before I get on the MRAP on leave, than wander around Paris looking for a barber/beautician to cut my hair off.  I know for some, the BC is a dramatic choice.  Well, with this being my second time...I look forward to it.  For some reason I believe I will feel more free.  Happier even.  A lot of my male friends have told me, they don't like the afro.  I read one blog which stated that she didn't get as many "hollas" from men when she was natural.  I even got the, "are you trying to start another revolution.  The first time I was natural, I was honestly very self conscious and had low self esteem.  I allowed other's opinions to bring me down.  So how is this time different from three years ago?  The difference between me now and then is a deployment.  A year of self reflection on me.  A year that allows me to be around just me, to be as antisocial as I want and to sit and have to deal with me.  So yes, I am big chopping soon, whether it be in Paris, or Kuwait or Prague...the weight of this hair is leaving.


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